Avoid Secretary Spread

Ditch the Cubicle.

The world is changing. Seventy years ago the American mind set was to pick a field, a profession, something that pays enough to buy a nice house with a white picket fence, and stay there until retirement. Many, many things have changed since then. Culture as a whole, the economy, business market, even media are completely different. Job’s are harder to come by, especially for the younger generation, even with degrees from prestigious colleges and universities. Which is why entrepreneurship is on the rise, and is the new future and norm for business.

Amazon, Google, Apple, Harley Davidson, the list goes on. All started by entrepreneurial minded adults that wanted what only entrepreneurship can achieve, freedom and control over their life and their success. It’s a lifestyle that is quickly becoming the ideal, and here’s the brilliance of it: it’s achievable by anyone. Entrepreneurship has no age barrier, no experience, prerequisite and no affiliation requirements; all it takes is hard work and a want, a need, to control your destiny.

Becoming an entrepreneur means that you are never bored. You’ll find your stride and want to do more and more as your success starts to grow. You set your schedule, you make your business plan, and you are the one that works towards making your dreams come to fruition. Your earning potential is limitless, and you’ll strive to work harder the more success you achieve. Plus, you’re not bound to a nine to five thankless job, in a cubicle with terribly dismal lighting. You control your schedule, your brand, your time, and you never feel undervalued.

But that’s just the business side. Entrepreneurs get something that the more pedestrian career cannot offer. Personal growth. You acquire new skills sets, that you will value throughout your life, and you’ll always be learning and using your creative brain. You can concentrate more on yourself, and your family, have the freedom to travel, the freedom to work on personal projects, and the freedom to not miss a birthday or a baseball game. As a business owner you’ll be a role model to others, and can help others on their path to success. You have the potential in your business and in your personal life to change the lives of others.

Since entrepreneurship is becoming more prevalent, there’s an added bonus of friendship and support. You become part of a family. The entrepreneurial world is a tight knit group with a culture unlike any other. Peers want to help you, and you’ll want to help them. It’s about everyone finding their path and successes, and when they do it’s a celebration for everyone. It’s a positive atmosphere that works to bolster and uplift everyone. And you absolutely cannot find it anywhere else. Certainly not in a cubicle.  

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